A Way Out

Continuing from Yesterday’s story

Groggily, Kelsey opened her eyes. “Where am I?” She looked up and gasped. Above her were levels and levels of wooden stairs and railings.

She felt like she had fallen into Harry Potter’s universe, into Hogwarts. “Grandma?” She shouted. There was no answer. Of course not, she thought, jumped, and grabbed the wooden railing to hoist herself onto the level above.

Looking up, down, left, and right, Kelsey searched for a staircase leading to the next level. After a moment, she finally caught a hint of a staircase at the end of the corridor. However, when she reached the end of the corridor, it was dead end. There was nothing there except a staircase painted on the wall. “Son of a…” She stomped her foot. There is no stairs, is there?

Kelsey scratched her head. Then slowly, she climbed on top of the railing and hoisted herself up another level and then another and another until she finally reached the top. “Now what?” She muttered, pushed open the hatch, and stepped out into the sun.

(~175 words)

This story was originally published on September 20, 2016.

Written for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers, a flash fiction challenge hosted by Priceless Joy from 2015-2019. In this prompt, we are challenged to write a piece between 100 and 150 words (more or less 25 words) using the photo prompt given.

Don't go without leaving me with something!