You Lose

Well, this day just gets better and better, I thought sarcastically as I raced across the field where three cups perched on its wooden stands. What do I do now? Play spin the cup like a circus clown? 

I looked around and noticed a thin rope dangling from the wooden post next to the cups. I followed the rope which led me to a note or rather a riddle.

Before you stand three cups. Two of which are poisonous substances. Determine which of the three is not poisonous and you will be allowed passage. 

Okay, I thought, easy enough. Tip-toed, I peeked into the cups and frowned. One was filled with red liquid, another with blue liquid, and the final cup was filled with green liquid. I scratched my head. How in the world am I supposed to figure out which is not poisonous? 

I turned away from the cups, toward the finish line. You know what, forget this. What’s he going to do, block me from finishing my race? I sprinted toward the finish line but suddenly felt myself falling into the hole. Moments later, I sat up on my bed, screaming. Before me were two words, You lose.

(200 words)

This story was originally published on August 28, 2017.

Written for Sunday Photo Fiction, a flash fiction challenge hosted by the blog A Mixed Bag where we are given a photo prompt and must write a piece of 200 words or less. Each prompt is provided on Sunday.

Don't go without leaving me with something!