Esther’s Tale

“Grandma, I’ve seen this painting before in your living room.” Chloe said. 

Her grandmother, Esther, laughed, “Indeed you have, my dear.”

“You said it’s you when you were younger.” Chloe arched her brow.

Esther gazed at the painting. She remembered posing for this painting. It was one of those days when she could actually forget the fact that she was immortal and that she was being hunted by the descendants of the five men who had forced the elixir down her throat five centuries ago. That elixir not only cursed her but it doomed those men too but of course, they had no clue.

From that day forward, Esther had been on a constant run until 40 years ago when she sought help from a doctor who had discovered a way to extract the elixir from her blood. Once the elixir was extracted, Esther was no longer immortal and no longer cursed. She could finally settle down and have a family.

Esther smiled, “Well, dear, what can I say? That’s what you get for dating an artist.”

(~175 words)

This story was originally published on November 29, 2016.

Written for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers, a flash fiction challenge hosted by Priceless Joy from 2015-2019. In this prompt, we are challenged to write a piece between 100 and 150 words (more or less 25 words) using the photo prompt given.

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