The Afterlife

He could feel the heat from the sun as his senses finally came back. He had no idea how many minutes, hours, or days had gone by. The darkness was fading. He was waking up.

He opened his eyes and the first thing he felt was something crawling on his wrist. As he sat up, the grasshopper immediately fell to the ground.

He looked around at the familiar landscape. He was in the park a block from his house. He was sure of it. He stood up, brushed the dirt from his clothes and straightened his leather jacket. What the hell happened? He wondered looking around.

He watched the children playing at the playground and the parents sitting on the benches gossiping. No one noticed him, as if he was invisible to them.

Tired and exhausted, he leaned against the largest tree in the park but just as his body touched the tree, he fell instead. When he looked up, the tree was on top of him. He wanted to scream but the shock got the better of him.

Just then a screeching scream dragged him away from the park and directly to the source. The woman who discovered his rotting body.

This story was originally published on May 5, 2015.

Written for Sunday Photo Fiction, a flash fiction challenge hosted by the blog A Mixed Bag where we are given a photo prompt and must write a piece of 200 words or less. Each prompt is provided on Sunday.

Don't go without leaving me with something!