The Exhibit

PHOTO PROMPT – © Copyright Marie Gail Stratford

“What genius created this?” Gail scoffs.

Mary crosses her arms. “The kind that’s innovative.”

Gail turns to Mary and sees the look on her face and then her eyes trails to the small metal plate at the bottom of the display. Mary Hopkins. Gail lets a nervous chuckle, full of awkwardness. Oops. “It looks quite…nice from here. What did you make it with? Glass? Metal?”

“Such a friend you are.” Mary says sarcastically, turns away, and walks to the next exhibit.

“Mare, wait.” Gail calls. “I’m sorry.” Mary waves a hand at her, too late, it means.

This story was originally posted on February 18, 2015.

Written for Friday Fictioneers, hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple, where we are given a photo prompt and we are to write a story in 100 words or less.


  1. Art is always in the eye of the beholder. Happy coincidence on Mary & Gail… noticed it right away. I hope Gail has learned her lesson about speaking too quickly. (LOL – did it again, my mom’s name was Gail Hope.)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ouch! Gail has the foot-in-mouth disease. I think many apologies are in order if this friendship is to be repaired. I really like that take on the prompt.

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  3. I was just getting ready to say almost the exact same thing that afairymind said. I hope their friendship is strong enough to overcome the hurt feelings. Excellent Yinglin and I cannot thank you enough. Thank you Thank you for taking on my task.

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