The Dragon

“Aww, what a cute necklace!” Sophia took the silver dragon necklace from its holder and dangled it in the light.

“How much is it?” As usual, her friend, Candace, searched for the price tag. “Ten bucks.” Sophia pursed her lips, pretended to think. She didn’t care at all what the price was, she was getting the necklace.

As soon as she handed over the ten-dollar-bill to the cashier, Sophia immediately put it around her neck. “What do you think? Gorgeous, right?”

“Cute!” Candace replied smiling.

The next day, everything changed. Candace’s jaw dropped the moment she saw Sophia step out of her car. Sophia had completely changed overnight. She wore a ripped black t-shirt, black skirt, and fish net along with jet-black eye-shadow and liner.

“Sophia?” She looked her friend up and down. “What happened?” At that exact moment, Candace noticed the eyes of the dragon necklace glowed red and so did Sophia’s. She gasped. “Oh my god.”

Daringly, in an effort to rip the necklace from Sophia’s neck, she shoved her hand forward but Sophia caught her hand mid-air and twisted. Candace screamed in pain. In a deep, coarse, distorted voice, Sophia said, “You dare challenge the dragon?”

This story was originally published on April 19, 2015.

Written for Sunday Photo Fiction, a flash fiction challenge hosted by the blog A Mixed Bag where we are given a photo prompt and must write a piece of 200 words or less. Each prompt is provided on Sunday.

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