Saturday Morning

Image Credit: Brooke Lark

She woke to the wonderful aroma of eggs and coffee and as she sat up, he entered with a tray balanced on top of his muscular arm.

“Morning,” she said, biting her lips while her stomach growled with hunger.

“Morning,” he replied, placing the tray before her, and smiled.

She took a whiff and said, “This smells very good,” before stabbing the eggs with the fork.

“What do you want to do today?” He asked, leaning back against the headboard.

She grinned and leaned toward him, close enough to kiss, “How about we spend our Saturday devouring a good book?”

This story was originally posted on October 13, 2017.

Written for 100 Word Wednesdays, where we are given a photo prompt and we are to write a 100-word story.

Don't go without leaving me with something!